In 2012-13 West Anchorage High School produced a show called “Monster School Time Tunnel Adventure.” It was a short, puppet play like “Avenue Q” but aimed at third grade students. The original script emphasized events in history while providing a moral lesson about bullying. It was a huge success amongst the grade school set and teachers from across the district asked that I write additional episodes.
The following year, “Monster School Goes West,” not only was enjoyed by hundreds of ASD grade school students and their families, but it also went on to the Edinburgh Fringe where it received accolades from many. News of the performance’s success reached the ears of Anchorage School District leadership who asked that a third show be written focused on the history of Anchorage.
That show, “Monster School: Happy Birthday Anchorage,” provides young Alaskans with historical glimpses of Anchorage using ASD curriculum and texts as a guide. The play is heavily researched and will star several new characters. Tickets have already been reserved by over 2500 students for two daytime performances. Four additional performances will be presented in the evenings.
The performance has been designated an official Anchorage Centennial event and will perform during Fur Rendezvous 2015.
The Monster School series is currently being developed as a collection of plays which may be performed by primary and secondary schools for a donation to a local charity which provides nutrition and educational support to Anchorage children. We expect this aspect of the project to be online in late 2015.